Sunday, November 25, 2007

Soup from our neighbor

One wonderful neighbor brought us a variation of the following soup:

Butternut Squash & Pumpkin soup with ginger
and pears

This soup is absolutely delicious!


Maru Angarita

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner 2007

This is our Thanksgiving Dinner Menu 2007

- Butternut Squash & Pumpkin soup with ginger
- Mixed baby lettuce with tofu and balsamic vinagrette
- Vegan mashed potatoes

- Hunan vegetable dumplins
- Asparagus steamed
- Artichoke heart bottoms with pickled pepinos and green olives
- White lima beans
- Mixed fruits with kiwi, blueberries, rasberries and pomegranade

- Dates stuffed with almonds
- vegan apple pie & cherry pies
- drinks: sparkling cranberry and apple cider
hot teas (chai, green, ginger, Earl Grey)

- Peace, Love and Harmony

Vegan Life Style

I can not generalize my vegan life style. However, the main issues are to follow a healthy and compassionate life style. I am just an individual brainstorming every day to decide what I would eat checking the health food stores, reading information from nutritionists and other experts. My loved ones wonder what they would cook for me, or where we could eat out offering choices of food without animals and dairy products, and other items that I can not stand like vegan food that looks and taste like dead animals.

Maru Angarita