Thursday, March 4, 2010

Raw Foods

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What It Means to Follow Raw Foods Diet

Advocates say foods lose nutrientswhen cooked at high heat, so mealsinclude fruits, veggies, nuts & beans.Celebrities who praise the lifestyle

Food in the Raw
Rachel Been, AOL

By Jessica Hulett

The raw foods diet has no shortage of celebrity spokespeople. Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, Sting and Demi Moore have all extolled the virtues of eating food in its natural state. While eating raw isn't something most of us could do on a daily basis -- because we lack the time, the equipment, or our own private chef -- there are some easy ways to incorporate natural foods into our diets, and ample reasons to do so.

The Basics"Raw" is a relative term when it comes to the Raw Foods Diet. Food can actually be heated up to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. After that, raw foodists believe that foods cooked above that temperature lose nutrients, and in some cases actually become harmful. A typical raw foods diet consists of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and beans. Most followers are vegan or vegetarian, but some include raw dairy and meats in their diets (not me). Typical equipment in a raw food kitchen includes a blender, food processor, dehydrator or juicer.

Is It Healthier?

It depends on who you ask. Common sense says that food that hasn't been processed in any way has more nutritional value than food that has been cooked, especially using high-heat methods like boiling, grilling or roasting. Some studies have shown that people who follow a strict raw foods diet are both thinner and healthier, while others point to vitamin deficiencies, like B12, which can be lacking in vegans especially. Most experts agree, however, that the healthiest diets include a wide variety of whole foods prepared in a variety of ways, which would naturally have some raw foods in the mix.

Start with Salads

The easiest way to incorporate raw foods into your diet is with salads. You should always start with quality ingredients -- not only are they "cleaner," they also taste better. Buy organic, or shop at farmer's markets. Fresh produce topped with a simple vinaigrette of fresh lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil and some raw nuts and seeds can be a filling, nutritious meal or starter.Taking the Next StepMaybe the occasional salad is as far as you're willing to go, and there's nothing wrong with that! But there's a whole raw-foods world out there, and you'll find everything from raw tomato sauce and "pasta" to decadent chocolate desserts.

If you want to delve deeper into the raw foods lifestyle, check out these sites to get

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